D) Glorious Visions - The Timeline


In 1991, Bruce K. Britton and Abraham Tesser published an article in the Journal of Educational Psychology called Effects of Time-Management Practices on College Grades.  Their studied showed (not surprisingly) that effective time management had an effect on grades in college.  They identified three categories of time-management that arose from their study.

  1.  Short-Range Planning - The first category they identified was activities of successful students who planned their day.  Students who scored high in this category planned in the short term - whether it be daily or weekly.
  2. Time Attitudes - The second category had to do with student beliefs around time.  According to the report, "Students who score high on this factor indicate that their time is used constructively and that they feel in charge of the way their time is spent."
  3. Long Range Planning - This final category was about students who had long term goals.  This group of students set goals for the whole semester or whole term.
Interesting enough the report concluded that students who did both Short Term Goals and had Time Attitudes did fairly well in their classes.  Therefore, an important learning for all students should be to set Short Term Goals and have good Time Attitudes.


  1. Meet as a group
  2. Get the "Timeline" handout from your teacher
  3. As a group generate a list of activities that need to be completed to create "THE JOURNEY".
  4. Organize this list of activities onto the "Timeline" handout.
  5. Hand in the "Timeline" to your teacher.