C) Start with the End in Mind


What is this multimedia project going to look like?  There will be three major components to this project.

  1. Digital Background - The performers for you multimedia project will peform in front of a background that should be dynamic.  It can be a video or a powerpoint but the images of the background should move.
  2. Performer - There should be a group of performers that "show" the story of the HERO'S JOURNEY.  This multimedia project should have no words.  It can be viewed as a PANTOMIME or a DANCE.  
  3. Music/Soundtrack - This project will need music and sound effects.  This will convey the mood and atmosphere of you interpretation of the HERO'S JOURNEY.


  1. Organize yourself into groups of 4 or 5 (larger groups need special permission from your teacher).
  2. Collect a large planning sheet from your teacher.
  3. On the planning sheet write three headings: SEPARATION     INITIATION     RETURN
  4. Start with the end in mind.  Discuss with your group two things:
    1. Roles - Who is doing what in your group?  (peformers/digital artist/soundtrack editor)
    2. Plot - What is the story your are going to tell of the HERO'S JOURNEY?


On your planning sheet you should have:

    1. The title of your project which everyone's project will be called THE JOURNEY.
    2. The names of the people in your group
    3. The roles that people will be taking on within the group (peformers/digital artist/soundtrack editor)  There should be only one or two digital artists and one or two soundtrack editors.  Everybody else should be a performer.  People in your group can have more than one role (you could have somebody be a performer and the soundtrack editor).
    4. The three headings: SEPARATION     INITIATION     RETURN
    5. Under each of the three headings, you should have four or five plot points on your story called THE JOURNEY.