A) The Hero with a Thousand Faces


In 1949, Joseph Campell wrote a book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces".  He had been studying myths for awhile and came up with a theory about myths called the "monomyth".  He suggested that all myths were really telling the same story.  He was able to create a journey for the hero that was universal.  Below is a diagram that showed how hero's in myths followed a similar path through their stories.  Basically, there were three parts of the Hero's Journey.  First part of the story was called "Separation".  There were similar things that happened to the hero during this segment of the journey like "The Call".  The second part of the story is called the "Initiation"  where things like the "Road of Trials" happen to the hero.  The third and final stage of the hero's journey is called "The Return" where the hero experiences things like the "magical flight".  The art work for this unit is going to be around this "Hero's Journey".


At your table there will be a sheet of newsprint with the picture above glued in the middle.  Around the picture create a diagram of Hero's Journey of a person who is your age.  Use the markers and pencils to make a very detailed diagram.

When you are done you will share you diagram with the rest of the class.


  1. Use the "Time Share" handout and find a partner for each hour of the clock.  
  2. Create two columns on lined paper or use the handout from the teacher.
  3. Watch the video "Finding Joe" to 4:00 min.  
  4. With your 3 o'clock partner give this first 4 minutes of the video a title and write that title in the left hand column.
  5. With your 3 o'clock partner come up with three important things you should remember about this section of the video and write that down in the right hand column.
3 o’clock
7 o’clock
1 o’clock
4 o’clock
8 o’clock
2 o’clock
5 o’clock
9 o’clock
11 o’clock
6 o’clock
10 o’clock
12 o’clock
Write the names of the members of your group onto the newsprint.  Fold the newsprint and place it into one of your group members folder.  It is worth 12 marks for each member.  Also, in your folder keep your "Time Share" sheet and your notes on "Finding Joe".  Your "Finding Joe" notes are worth 12 marks.