F) Revision

a) New List
.....Ten Things I want people to know about me

b) Information
Hopefully, by now, you have a 27 line spoken word poem.  However, it is your first draft.  What will make this spoken word poem great is revision.  Thomas Edison said "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration".  This is true for any art work.  The first draft of anything is the one percent, the other 99% is revision to make it better.  
To make your spoken word poem better, try it out.  Speak it aloud and hear what it sounds like.  Change things that don't sound right or don't convey "fully" what you want.  Then get a critical friend to listen to it and tell you what they think.  Repeat this process until you have it "perfect". 
***Remember 1% and 99%***

c) Spoken Word Video

d) Assignment
.....a) Finish your first 27 line spoken word poem.
.....b) Find an isolate space and practice your poem by speaking it aloud.
.....c) Make changes so that it sounds better.  Remember things like:
..........1) Rhyme
..........2) Alliteration
..........3) Onomatopoeia
..........4) Repetition
..........5) Metaphor
.....d) Get a "critical friend" and perform the spoken word for them.
.....e) Make changes based upon your "critical friend's" suggestions.
.....f) Perform it for Mr. Koops