D) Analogy - Metaphorical Thinking


Concepts are big ideas.  They are things that are not easily defined or maybe don't even have one definition. It is not something easily pictured.   Love for an example is a concept.  It is not easily defined.  You can't touch it like a table.  Probably as many people that are in a class, there could be possible definitions of love.  

However, what artists can do is create a metaphor that will make a concept easier for everyone to understand.  For example, finish the following statement "Love is like..."(pollev).  Now, people can picture something and connect it to the concept Love.

This is called metaphorical thinking or ANALOGY.  Using something to be a symbol for a concept is a great way to creatively express your thoughts around a concept.


Generate a list of concepts with your teacher and class. (pollev)
Choose 5 of the concepts.
Create a metaphor for the 5 concepts that you chose by adding "is like" and then finish the statement.