B) What Sounds Good?

Spoken Word Terms

Rhyme – The correspondence of sounds, particularly at the end of words.
Ex. Fair and Square, Hocus-Pocus, Fender Bender, Walkie-Talkie

Ask students to provide examples and write them on the board.

Alliteration – The repetition of sounds at the beginning of words or syllables.
Ex. White Water, French Fries, Super Saver, Pretty Please, Five Fat Frogs Feeling Fairly Feverish Frequently Fall Flat...Hip Hop.

Ask students to provide examples and write them on the board.

Onomatopoeia – The use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning.
Ex. Bow Wow, Swoosh, Kaboom, Smooch, Beep

Discussion (Polleverywhere)

Give some of your own examples of Rhyme, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Repetition

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