C) Visual Research Example & Drawing the Grid

September 20, 2015


In the last lesson we created a number of drawings that could be thumbnails sketches for a larger art work.  So below, is my sketch for "The Innocent".  Today we are going to look for images that could help us to create our thumbnails.


Go onto Pinterest and search for images that are similar to your thumbnails sketches.  For example, I looked on Pinterest for a girl holding a teddy bear.  Instead of finding a girl with a teddy bear, I found a girl holding a cloth doll.

I only wanted her head and shoulders in my thumbnail, with the doll/teddy bear being larger.  I used Photoshop to zoom into the girl and to put a grid onto the picture.


Use this grid picture of the girl and make a grid on a 15"x22" watercolor paper.  Use the following video to help you create your grid.


Create your grid on the 15"x22" watercolor paper.  This assignment is worth 5 marks.