A) Do School Kill Creativity?

1. Introduction
A few years ago, I watched this video of Ken Robinson's TED talk.  TED stands for Technology Entertainment and Design.  His main argument is that schools are not placing enough value on creativity, which is a major skill all students should have.  I watch this video every school year to remind myself the importance of teaching arts in a school.

2. Assignment
Download this MAZE activity - which is a "fill in the blank" kind of assignment.  You will be able to use the assignment as a viewing guide and notes for later.  They will help with discussion.

Do School Kill Creativity - MAZE assignment

3. Video

4. Discussion
After completing the MAZE assignment, discuss as a class the following questions:
.....a) Explain if you think schools should place as much emphasis on the arts as literacy (English).
.....b) Traditionally, how have we defined intelligence and is that a limited view of intelligence.
.....c) Do you think 'creativity' is an important skill for you, especially after you leave school?
.....d) What do you think about his statement "What we do know is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original"?
.....e) In your mind, what do you think is more important to learn - how to create a masterpiece (like a painting, sculpture, or piece of music) or to learn how to be more creative?