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“Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.”
– Ken Robinson

Teacher’s role in this course:

According to the Education Act, here are the duties of a teacher in a classroom:
·         diligently and faithfully teach
·         maintain general discipline in the classroom and on school premises
·         plan and organize the learning
·         keep a record of attendance
·         report regularly
·         exclude any pupil from the class for overt opposition

This course is about creativity and learning to be more creative and how other people and cultures have been creative.
My hope is to provide you with an environment that allows you to learn about creativity.  Learning about creativity is not easy.   The best way to learn about creativity to create problems that a student must overcome.  However, the most meaningful problems are the ones we choose to solve.  Therefore, you are going to choose your own problems to solve and then create artifacts to demonstrate that you have solved them.
There are some requirements to curriculum that I must make sure are covered.  These are the three areas of Arts Education – (1) Creative Productive (2) Cultural Historic (3) Critical Responsive.  There you will have to create a project for each of these areas.

Student’s role in this course:

According to the Education Act, here are the duties of a student:
·         co-operate fully with all staff
·         attend school regularly and punctually
·         purchase any supplies
·         observe standards for cleanliness, tidiness, obedience, & courtesy
·         be diligent in his or her studies
·         conform to the rules of the school
·         submit to any discipline that would be exercised by a teacher acting as a kind, firm and judicious parent

In other words, you are to show up, learn, and work.  Education is your gift to yourself.  Learning makes you more powerful.  The resolve to learn something is the best way we (as human beings) can better ourselves.  Therefore, to become a better person … educate yourself.
Every day, I come to this class and I am going to ask “What are we learning today?”  I am going ask this because you must be diligent in your own learning.  I can’t want to learn more than you…you have to want to learn more than me.


In order for this to work and for you to get a mark there are some routines and procedures that will have to happen.  First, you are going to build your mark with four projects and each project with have a marks sheet to keep in your folder.  Any mark you get should be recorded onto the marking sheet.  You are responsible for keeping your folder and getting me to enter marks into your folder.  Within one week after your due date, I will enter the marks for the project into Homelogic.  If you don’t have a mark entered onto your sheet, you will get a 0 entered into the computer.

A man was once asked “How do you eat an elephant?”  The  response was “One bite at a time”.  The block system is a compressed amount of time.  I am going to provide a schedule of due dates to help you stay on track and not get overwhelmed so you can take one bite at a time.
Due Dates
1st Project will be done on March 10, 2017
2nd Project will be done on April 12, 2017
3rd Project will be done on May 26, 2017
4th Project will be done on June 28, 2017

“If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.”

― Ken Robinson